Opex Comparison

ICE Details Details EV
Average Travel km in a day in KTM 160 km (Avg) 160 km Average Travel km in a day in KTM
Milage 7 kmpl 250 km Range
Cost of Petrol per litre( Price might change) 181 10 Per Unit cost of Electricity
Consumption of Diesel in 1 day 23 litre 42 units Unit consumption in 1 day (43 kwh)
Cost of Diesel in 1 month (23*26*119) Rs 71,162 Rs 10,920 Unit consumed in 1 month (42*26*10)
Cost of Diesel in 3 years (71,162*36) Rs 2,561,832 Rs 393,120 Total unit consumed in 3 years
Cost of required parts in 3 years Rs 45,000 Rs 300,000 Cost of Battery in 3 years
Servicing cost per 10,000 km Rs 10,000 Rs 1,000 Servicing cost per 10,000 km
Servicing cost for 3 years (15*10,000) Rs 150,000 Rs 15,000 Servicing cost for 3 years (15*1000)
Total Diesel, Servicing and extra cost for 3 years
(1,50,000 + 25,61,832 + 45,000)
Rs 2,756,832 Rs 708,120 Total Battery, Servicing and electricity cost for 3 years
(15,000 + 3,93,120 + 3,00,000)
Total Operating Cost Difference in 3 years Rs 2,048,712 Total Operating Cost Difference in 3 Years